DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-5-208-221
The article presents the study of the sovereignty of the psychological space of the individual, the function of its boundary and the level of subjective control in married couples with different family experience. The research is based on the modern methods of T. S. Levy, S. K. Nartova-Bochaver, using which we continued to study the phenomenon of personal space, its boundary from the point of view of the subject-environment approach. The study of the psychological boundary of a person’s personal space is a topical topic not only within the individual, but also in the problems of family relations. The family is the primary element of the social space that forms the content characteristics of the personal space of a person who in the future, creating his family, forms such a space for his children. The most important characteristic of psychological space is the integrity of its boundaries. The presence of a holistic psychological space plays an important role in family relationships. The study involved married couples with different experience of family life: less than 7 years and more than 7 years, a total of 110 people. Differences in the «sovereignty of social ties», violations of the boundaries of the physical «I», the territorial integrity of families with different life experience are established. This study continues a series of studies on the specifics of the psychological space of the individual not only in the subjects of the educational sphere of school, university, but also in adult respondents.
Keywords: psychological space of the individual, functions of the border, subjective control, experience of family life
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 208 — 221
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