DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-6-17-26
The problem of the formation of preschool children’s interest in books and reading activities is considered, the necessity of its solution is justified due to the decline in interest in reading and traditional books at all stages of education. The points of view of scientists on this problem and various methodological approaches related to the formation of specific reading skills in children through appropriate methodological techniques of literary reading, literary listening and literary creativity are analyzed. The psychological features of the perception of the text of a work of art by children of middle and older preschool age are highlighted, based on which special methodological techniques have been developed and tested. The authors present their own experience of solving it and provide data obtained as a result of an empirical study (questioning kindergarten teachers, monitoring the activities of children), in which older preschool children participated. The indicators and criteria for assessing the level of formation of the interest of older preschoolers in the book and reading activities, which have practical significance on a par with the proposed ways to solve the designated problem, are given. A workbook is presented, based on which children perform interesting and diverse tasks when working with artistic texts. In the conclusion of the article, the authors demonstrate data confirming the effectiveness of the approaches they have developed.
Keywords: interest in the book, reading activity, literary work, methods of analysis, perception of literature, older preschoolers
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Issue: 6, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 17 — 26
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