DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-6-27-37
The state policy in the field of education actualizes the importance of additional education of children as an element of the overall system for identifying and developing talents and abilities in children and young people. Additional education, being a subsystem of general education, is considered in the regional context as an open variable pedagogical system that works to achieve the national goal of developing talents and self-realization of the younger generation. Responding to the challenges of our time, new regional practices of managing the field of additional education are gradually being formed, including active horizontal and inter-level relations, integration of non-institutional educational service providers into the general content circuit, and decentralization of management mechanisms. Considered as the basis of “long life education”, the concept of “additional education of children” acquires new semantic characteristics, including requirements for the content of educational results, continuity of educational programs, orientation to different categories of students. To resolve the contradiction between the emerging regional practice and the lack of scientific validity of the approaches used, it is necessary to rethink the methodological approaches traditionally used by researchers to manage the field of additional education at the regional level. The article attempts to apply an ecosystem approach to the description of the field of additional education in a convergent educational environment.
Keywords: additional education for children, regional educational ecosystem, convergence, ecosystem approach
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Issue: 6, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 27 — 37
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