DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-6-38-44
The article observes the problem of analyses and interpretation of a piece of music from the point of view of music theorists and music teachers. The variability of approaches to the analysis is substantiated due to the category of the listeners, the genre of a piece of music, the uniqueness, the level of complexity and duration of the sound, the uniqueness of the composer’s worldview. Certain types of analysis, depending on the target orientation, are characterized, difficulties and ways of overcoming them are indicated. Analysis of an instrumental works from the point of view of intonation theory (intonation-figurative analysis) is a kind of social, historical, artistic research, in which it is necessary to organize communication between children and the author and performers of the composition in the form of a live dialogue aimed at immersion in the artistic-figurative world of the work, identifying meaning and emotional-value relations, embodied in images-intonations, the formation of one’s own attitude towards him (V. V. Medushevsky). The presented types of music studying analyses are used in the practice of music education of schoolchildren, depending on the characteristics of the work and the preferences of the teacher. An example of musical and pedagogical analysis of an instrumental piece by students is shown as one of the possible options for using in pedagogical practice with secondary school students.
Keywords: analyses, interpretation, musical language, music teacher, children, a piece of music, values, meaning, intonation, method
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Issue: 6, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 38 — 44
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