DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-6-53-63
The purpose of the study is to consider the problems of teacher preparation for teaching the subject “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics”: highlighting the value foundations, managing teacher training at the regional and local levels, comprehending effective options for solving acute issues in its implementation. The key problem of the teachers’ unpreparedness for effective activity in this area is revealed, connected with the lack of scientific understanding of traditional Russian spiritual values that lie at the core of the culture of each nation, for the development of which theological knowledge is necessary that is not studied in the process of basic professional training. Conclusions are made that this function is now accepted by the system of advanced training. It has been established that theological knowledge is understood as the result of the process of cognition and personal understanding of the religious tradition and its authentic reflection in the mind of the teacher on a cultural basis in the form of concepts and value-semantic life guidelines. An analysis of scientific sources and practice of spiritual and moral education of the younger generations gives grounds to assert that in modern Russian society, the cultural role of traditional Russian spiritual values is beginning to be more deeply understood, by which we mean the primordial, chosen by distant ancestors, axiological guidelines – peacefulness, sympathy, acceptance of the other, empathy and others that form the spiritual world of a growing person through an appeal to the deep foundations of the national mentality, which have passed a long way of approbation from generation to generation. However, when conducting advanced training courses for teachers in this area, one should choose an extremely correct position, focusing on cultural meanings, and not on religious dogma.
Keywords: advanced training, theological knowledge, interaction management, religious component in secular education
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Issue: 6, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 53 — 63
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