DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-6-64-75
Despite the fact that in the last decade the percentage of young people among the population in Russia has noticeably decreased, this social group and its leisure activities are of particular interest for research aimed at identifying the hobbies and interests of modern young people and their connection with addictive behavior. The article examines the content of the concept of “leisure activities” in the youth environment. The presence of contradictions in the use of the synonymous concepts of “leisure” and “free time” is noted. Characterized the fundamental differences between the concepts of “leisure”, “hobby” and “interests”. The authors also touch on the issue of the relationship between modern hobbies and interests of young people with the development of cyber-addictive behavior. Presented the results of a study conducted among schoolchildren in Tomsk on identifying the interests of modern youth and the presence/absence or predisposition of the teenage group to Internet addiction in connection with their leisure activities. Revealed that almost half of the respondents do not have a specific hobby. When analyzing the data obtained during the study, revealed that, with a higher probability, the emergence of cyber addiction is characteristic of those who have no hobbies at all, as well as those whose leisure activities are passive. Also revealed that schoolchildren in the city of Tomsk are addicted to social networks and computer games, with more than half of the respondents revealed a predisposition to Internet-addicted behavior, and one fifth of the respondents have already formed cyber-addicted behavior.
Keywords: leisure activities, hobbies, interests, youth, free time, passive and active leisure, cyberadication
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Issue: 6, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 64 — 75
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