DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-6-95-102
The article presents the results of the study that touched upon the actual problem of the system of professional legal education – the degree of specialist’s compliance with the requirements of the labor market as well as the improvement of the quality of their practical training. The aim of the study is to scientifically substantiate the effectiveness of practiceoriented technologies in the educational process of the college in order to successfully adapt future lawyers in professional activities. The main method of research is a pedagogical experiment, the purpose of which is approbation of the developed author’s methodology. Also, the study used methods of analysis and generalization, questioning, testing, pedagogical observation and methods of mathematical statistics. The presented practice-oriented technologies are aimed at mastering students’ professional competencies and provide for the gradual passage of three modules by the student: goal-setting of didactic cycles, selection of optimal means taking into account peculiarities of the training stage, implementation of educational activity characterized by integration of project and problem-based technologies while observing conditions of differentiated training. According to the results obtained during the implementation of the pedagogical experiment, the introduction of practice-oriented technologies in the educational process of training college students of future lawyers, providing for the gradual development of knowledge and skills, allowed to form the basic professional competencies of students at a reliable level. Thus, the use of activity and interactive methods in the learning process, the introduction of simulation modeling and design, as well as technology for solving situational tasks can be considered as an effective tool for shaping students’ professional-oriented skills and abilities.
Keywords: professional activity, quality of education, college students, educational process, practice-oriented technology
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Issue: 6, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 95 — 102
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