DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-6-146-161
Historical experience is the basis for carrying out modern educational reforms; therefore, problems of the history of education occupy a significant place in modern historical and historical-pedagogical research. In the historiography of the development of pedagogical education in Russia, two independent research traditions have been preserved for many years, the first of which was directed to the pre-revolutionary history of education, the second to the history of the Soviet school. As for the history of education during the revolution and the Civil War, there were practically no deep scientific works, especially in the regional context, until the end of the 20th century. In the first decades of Soviet power, in historiography, the attitude towards the problems of the development of education was directly related to ideological attitudes that presupposed a critical or exclusively negative attitude towards the pre-revolutionary legacy. Gradually, the erroneous opinion was confirmed that domestic pedagogical education began with the organization in the USSR of educational institutions of a new type – pedagogical institutes. In the 1950s – 1960s the history of pedagogical education was often considered as a separate area of scientific research, however, researchers focused on the achievements and innovations in the organization of Soviet education, completely disregarding objective data on the numerous borrowings of the People’s Commissariat of Education of policies, methods and techniques for managing the education system that developed in the pre-revolutionary period. When from the late 1960s researchers got the opportunity to access many, previously closed archives, the study of the history of teacher education has found a “second wind”. But only since the 1990s the dogmatic attitude to historical material from 1917 to the early 1930s is gradually disappearing, which was facilitated by a change in public attitudes, freedom of speech, and the availability of extensive historical materials to researchers. In the post- Soviet period, the question of the continuity of the pre-Soviet and Soviet history, including the history of education, acquired particular relevance. In recent decades, a significant number of publications have appeared in which the problems of teacher training in the region in the first decades of Soviet power are directly or as related. At the same time, in many modern publications there are inaccuracies in wording, erroneous facts that wander from work to work. Sometimes authors use a limited selection of sources, interpret the data too freely, which undoubtedly reduces the quality of scientific research. Analysis of scientific literature showed that scientific research, in a complex revealing the development processes in 1917 – early 1930s the strategy of modernizing the Soviet system of pedagogical education and its implementation in the regions is still insufficient. Attention is drawn to the complete absence of modern generalizing works on the history of teacher education in the context of the introduction of universal education in Siberia and the Far East.
Keywords: historiography, history of pedagogical education, history of education in Siberia and in the Far East, analysis of historical literature, education during the Revolution and the Civil War
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Issue: 6, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 146 — 161
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