DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-6-210-224
The article presents a theoretical and historical overview of the studies of general and special abilities carried out in the domestic scientific psychology. The difficulties associated with the definition of the concepts of “ability” and “giftedness” are analyzed. The understanding of the nature of creativity and creativity is indicated. The psychological essence and specificity of literary activity as a scientific phenomenon are considered. The characteristic of literary and artistic abilities as an internal psychological regulator of personality is given. It is shown that the ability to literary creativity refers to the artistic type of giftedness, which has both common qualities inherent in other types of giftedness, and peculiar, distinguishing it from other types of abilities. It is concluded that most of the complexities and contradictions in the study of the phenomenology of abilities are mainly associated with the comprehension of what ontologically represents this mental phenomenon. It is shown that the psychology of literary and artistic creativity and related areas of scientific knowledge are very complex and multifaceted. It is said that the creation of conditions that ensure the identification and creative development of literary gifted persons, the realization of their potential is among the priorities of modern society. Of great importance for the development of literary abilities is the social, including educational environment.
Keywords: abilities, general abilities, special abilities, creative abilities, literary abilities, literary and artistic abilities, literary giftedness, psychology of art, psychology of literary creativity, personality of the writer
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Issue: 6, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 210 — 224
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