DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-6-225-235
Smartphone addiction has become common, especially among young people. Previous studies have established a high prevalence of this addiction and the fact that the victims of this addiction experience suffering: from poor sleep quality (and even insomnia), depression, anxiety, stress, experience negative emotions, and are also characterized by a significant decrease in physical activity. The prevalence of smartphone addiction and its negative consequences dictate the need for a comprehensive study. The article examines the manifestations of the phenomenon of smartphone addiction in medical college students. It is shown that the psychological mechanism of the emergence of addictions is described by a general model of psychological impact. It was found that that smartphone addiction is positively associated with loneliness, aggressiveness, bad mood, with the female gender, and negatively – with communicative competence, persistence, self-control, self-regulation, as well as with age. The connections identified in the article with loneliness, aggressiveness, self-regulation, and communicative competence generally correspond to the nature of the correlations established in foreign studies. New for both domestic and foreign studies are the negative links of dependence on smartphones with persistence and self-control revealed in the article. Based on the results of this study, recommendations were developed (based on the obtained empirical data) for college students to minimize the negative impact of smartphones on their mental and physical health. It is recommended in the process of educational work with students to explain the negative consequences of dependence on smartphones and the value of direct, live communication with their environment.
Keywords: smartphone addiction, loneliness, aggressiveness, self-regulation, communicative competence, persistence, self-control, mood, gender, age
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Issue: 6, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 225 — 235
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