DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-6-132-139
The article is devoted to the study of the experience of foreign countries in terms of organizing methodological support for young specialists in the educational sphere. Authors determined that the system of methodological support is a structural element of advanced training for teachers who begin their professional education and should take into account modern trends in the development of education, based on research on new pedagogical functions that arise in the context of informatization of education. The introduction of a new concept into the educational process entails a number of innovative transformations in the content of education, in rethinking new concepts, categories, values of thinking, changes in the role positions: mentor, teacher, tutor. A modern teacher is a specialist who carries out pedagogical activity taking into accounts the requirements of the time, constantly improving his professional competence, and his pedagogical activity is intellectual, creative activity aimed at teaching, upbringing and personal development. Every young teacher should be a professional in his activity, since the product of this activity should be a competitive graduate of an educational institution, endowed with key competencies. That is why young teachers, through an effective system of methodological support, must master a number of competencies produced by the experience of professionals with extensive experience in the practical application of knowledge and skills to ensure effective educational activities.
Keywords: methodological support, young specialist, teacher, professional development of a teacher
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Issue: 6, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 132 — 139
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