DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-1-9-16
This article reveals the essence of the concepts of «youth», «student youth». The main factors contributing to the emergence of the problem of deformation of family values have been determined. The socio-demographic processes taking place in modern Russia are described. The concept of family identity is considered as a person’s belonging to a family group, reflecting his commitment to family values and manifesting itself at the cognitive, affective and behavioral levels. The formation of family identity is characterized by a person’s involvement in family life, the presence of positive emotions and attitudes towards creating their own family, showing interest in family history, in helping and caring for parents and grandparents. The article presents the results of diagnostics of the family identity of students, reflecting the hierarchy of family value students, the social roles with which they identify themselves, the types of adaptation and cohesion of the parental families of students. The results of this study can be used in the further development of a program for the development of family identity and its implementation in the learning process at a university. In the context of the transformation of the family as a social institution, purposeful work is needed to develop the family identity of students – future teachers, who in the future will interact with the family, where it will be possible to jointly form the family identity of schoolchildren based on traditional values.
Keywords: family, family identity, family values, student youth
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 9 — 16
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