DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-1-17-26
The article notes the importance of the supervising in technical universities institution in development of professional and universal competencies, personal growth, self-realization, as well as adaptation of students, highlights the existing problems in the implementation of curatorial activities. The main problems of the curators institute at a technical university include: insufficient qualification of curators; the majority of them have no humanitarian, psychological and pedagogical education; the difficulty in implementing systematic refresher courses for all curators; insufficient replication of curatorial experience, the use of network communication tools in curatorial activities; the need to increase the level of socio-psychological adaptation of students to study at a technical university; difficulties in implementing a personality-oriented approach in the activities of curators; lack of humanitarization of the educational process. Solving the existing problems of the curators at a technical university institution requires the creation of an appropriate organizational and methodological support system for the curators of academic groups activities. Organizational and methodological support for the academic groups curators activities at a technical university is a systemically organized process of comprehensive, continuous professional development of curators, methodological training and curators experience replication. Experimental work was carried out to implement the developed system of organizational and methodological support for the academic groups curators activities at a modern technical university. The presented results confirm the developed system effectiveness, which implementation makes it possible to increase the curatorial activities effectiveness.
Keywords: curators’ activities, curator of the academic group, support of the curators’ activities, organizational and methodological support, technical university
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 17 — 26
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