DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-1-27-35
The article is devoted to identifying effective methods of project activities on patriotic topics within the framework of educational archival practice for students of pedagogical universities. At the same time, the emphasis is on practicing the methods of analyzing a written clerical archival source. The polyfunctionality of a historical source allows one to “extract” from it not only the social information of its time, but also to use its potential for epistemological cognition. The ability to determine the type and type of historical source, to perform external and internal analysis of the archival source, to create tabular forms of accounting for historical information are the necessary competencies of a student of history. Competent formulation of project tasks of practice allows you to simultaneously solve several tasks on the professionalization of the future teacher of history and social studies: he carefully treats historical sources as carriers of historical memory, to practice source study skills and abilities on reliable archival sources, to delve into the essence of the global social consequences of the Great Patriotic War using the example of the topic “Employment of invalids of the Great Patriotic War in Tomsk in 1941–1944”. The actualization of increased attention to this social group as winners and victims appears to be a new format of patriotic education. Competent formulation of project tasks of practice allows you to simultaneously solve several tasks on the professionalization of the future teacher of history and social studies: he carefully treats historical sources as carriers of historical memory, to practice source study skills and abilities on reliable archival sources, to delve into the essence of the global social consequences of the Great Patriotic War using the example of the topic “Employment of invalids of the Great Patriotic War in Tomsk in 1941–1944”. The actualization of increased attention to this social group as winners and victims appears to be a new format of patriotic education.
Keywords: patriotic education, design technologies, archival practice, invalids of the Great Patriotic War
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 27 — 35
Downloads: 598