DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-1-44-50
The problem of formation of readiness of future teachers for innovative activity is considered on the example of the course «Innovative activity in the subject area «Russian language». Based on the totality of the described and analyzed author’s interpretations of the concept of «innovation in education», a research position has been formed regarding innovation as an important element of maintaining education in a state of dynamic development adequate to the requirements of modern society, as a phenomenon of collective or individual professional creative activity of a teacher. The methodological basis of the study was the analysis of scientific and program-methodical literature, a set of methods of systemic and personality-oriented approaches. The article describes the experience of forming the readiness of future teachers for innovative activity on the example of the course «Innovative activity in the subject area «Russian language»», within which systematic theoretical, methodological and practice-oriented training of students is carried out, leading types of educational activities are presented (specially organized work with scientific sources, with practical material, practical tasks of a development nature, project activities). According to the results of the study, it is concluded that the formation of a future teacher’s readiness for innovation contributes to the manifestation of a conceptual position in the subject area, the identification of a resource for development and innovation (including potential) in it, and their critical assessment, the creation of conditions for the search for innovative solutions in the educational space; this competence is an important component in the professionogram of a modern teacher.
Keywords: innovations in education, readiness for innovation, innovative processes, educational potential, criticality
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 44 — 50
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