DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-1-51-59
There are such objective requirements of today as: active reform of education, physical culture and sports; an urgent need in strengthening the health of the population, improving their aerobic functional indicators in the pandemic situation; in attracting various contingents to health-improving types of physical culture; in growing popularity and prestige of the professional activity of a teacher in physical culture and sports; in increasing the number of employees in the fitness industry; in stimulating inventions of Russian fitness technologies. These requirements cause the need in improving the methods of higher education in the field of physical culture and sports, including training programs for bachelor of physical culture and sports specialization in the pedagogical education direction. It is necessary to train personnel who not only have soft skills and hard skills, but are also ready for self-development, creativity, for an adequate goal setting, development of their own strategy, and realization of dreams. In other words, the graduate must be entrepreneurial, be able to organize a successful business in the industry, survive in it, develop, understand current trends, be able to balance at the intersection of sciences, be fluent in digital technologies and foreign languages, have the necessary competencies to conduct classes in institutions of various jurisdictions with using the latest techniques and technologies, which is also a priority in the development strategy of the physical culture and sports direction in Russia. The traditional education system in the field of physical culture and sports prepares students to work with children in educational organizations of various levels, forms their skills in conducting educational and training sessions, but, unfortunately, does not teach health related work with various contingents. Thus, there is a contradiction between the real formed competence and modern requirements for a specialist working in the field of health related physical culture. This problem requires a revision of the curriculum. In accordance with this, the goal was set, the tasks were defined to improve the professional training of bachelors, the updated content of disciplines, extraordinary forms, methods and approaches of teaching based on the introduction of fitness technologies were proposed.
Keywords: fitness technologies, fitness industry, undergraduate students, pedagogical education direction, competencies, strategy for the development of physical culture and sports
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 51 — 59
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