DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-1-60-69
The article presents the rationale, the development and results of testing of educational material on the topic “Training of highly qualified athletes” for academic disciplines in power sports, pedagogical physical culture and sports improvement taught at universities and at the faculties of physical culture and sports. The rationale for the content of the educational topic is based on scientific and methodological approaches to the planning of training loads in sports, theories and methods of sports training. The methodology of training highly qualified athletes according to the “pyramid” system is used in many sports, such as weightlifting, sambo, swimming, etc., but this system has not been used in kettlebell lifting, therefore it requires its own justification. From all of the above, the study of the training methodology for qualified high-skilled kettlebell lifters at the pre-competition stage is quite relevant. A program has been developed for training qualified guards on the preset stage according to the Pyramid system. The percentage ratio of the volume of general physical and special physical training and tonnage of the main and auxiliary exercises on the preset stage is determined. The effectiveness of the developed program for the preparation of qualified guards on the preset stage on the Pyramid system was experimentally proved. The educational material, theoretically substantiated, developed and tested in the training process of kettlebell lifters, is introduced into the content of the educational topic “Training of highly qualified athletes” of disciplines taught at the faculties of physical culture and sports.
Keywords: vocational training, qualified weights, preset stage, exercise stress, physical preparedness
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 60 — 69
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