DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-1-124-131
Within the framework of the inclusive approach, the leading regulatory and legal documents of the Russian Federation are highlighted, the purpose of which is to provide opportunities for quality education to every child. Innovative educational processes associated with the emergence of children with special educational needs in the environment of typically developing peers are particularly noted. Using a comparative-historical approach, the author examines the development and transformation of the Montessori method in Russia: from active propaganda and acceptance to complete denial. The article describes the changes in the understanding of the Montessori method in Russia, its critical understanding by leading Russian teachers. The results of the methodological study of the key principles and approaches of Montessori pedagogy are presented. The article describes the main trends in the development of modern Montessori educational institutions abroad. The current experience of the Montessori space of the Netherlands, Germany, and the United States is considered. The general educational vector of modern Montessori pedagogy is highlighted: moving away from the closed system of special schools to an open system of education that meets the norms of a civilized society with the inclusion of people with special needs in development. Examples of complex educational Montessori institutions, a unique system of training and advanced training of Montessori teachers, Montessori that solve the problems of tolerant attitude to people with special needs in development are given. Within the framework of global trends, the specifics of the revival of Montessori pedagogy in modern Russia are identified. In the focus of Russian education, human functioning becomes important, and every child is important. Therefore, the idea of joint education of children with different levels of development, the idea of an inclusive approach, stands out. The transformation of the Montessori method is presented as a departure from special pedagogy for mentally retarded children to full-fledged inclusion through the creation of a prepared environment, joint training and the formation of a special worldview of the teacher.
Keywords: montessori pedagogy, humanistic pedagogy, self-development, free education, coeducation, inclusion
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 124 — 131
Downloads: 841