DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-1-142-154
The authors substantiated the relevance of the study of the characteristics of moral consciousness and responsibility as a personality trait of modern youth on the example of university students. In the process of studying the responsibility of students as a system of content-semantic and instrumental-style components, 2 groups were identified among them: with “energetic” and “asthenicdifficult” types of realization of this personality trait. Students with the “energetic” type were distinguished by a more stable and conscious desire to manifest and develop it, broad sociocentric motivation, developed internal self-regulation, although with the dominance of personal goals, subjective productivity and insufficient development of skills of responsible behavior, while students with “asthenic difficult” type were more characteristic of frequent avoidance of responsibility, greater external regulation, dominance of asthenic experiences and emotional-personal problems due to self-doubt, low self-esteem, increased anxiety in the process of its manifestation. The features of the moral consciousness of the selected groups of students are analyzed: their value orientations, attitudes in the motivational-need-related sphere, moral consciousness, moral selfdetermination, attitude to the observance of moral norms. Thus, individuals with an “energetic” type of responsibility realization revealed a high value of the values of spiritual satisfaction and preservation of individuality, recognition and respect of other people, help and mercy, education, professional life and hobbies; dominance of the socio-psychological attitude towards freedom; emotional attitude to various strategies of moral behavior, average readiness to comply with moral norms with a high desire for truthfulness; motives for avoiding disapproval of significant others, striving to fulfill duty and obey accepted rules as a basis for moral choice. For the representatives of the “asthenic-difficult” type, the values of spiritual satisfaction and preservation of individuality, self-realization in the spheres of education and professional life were also most important, but in real life they more often realized the values of rest and pleasant pastime. Among their socio-psychological attitudes, the predominant need was to get pleasure from the process of the performed activity, freedom and independence. They recognized moral behavior and the significant influence of moral self-regulation of the individual and environmental factors on it; adopted (or did not accept) various strategies of moral behavior at the emotional and cognitive levels; demonstrated a positive attitude towards the observance of moral norms, an average willingness to implement them in their behavior; a high level of truthfulness and were guided by the motive of good relationships in situations of moral choice. The connections between the peculiarities of moral consciousness and personal responsibility of students are revealed. The description of the individual-typological features of the implementation of responsibility by students, as well as their connections with the peculiarities of moral consciousness, constitutes the scientific novelty of the research results presented in the article.
Keywords: students, responsibility, content-semantic components, instrumental-style characteristics, types of responsibility realization, moral consciousness, terminal values, structure of personal value orientations, socio-psychological attitudes, motivational-need-related sphere, moral self-determination, observance of moral norms, moral consciousness
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 142 — 154
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