DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-2-7-15
An integrated approach to the evaluation of universal educational actions of students in the course of experimental work in chemistry and the knowledge necessary for their implementation is characterized. Diagnostic materials for the assessment of general educational, logical and sign-symbolic universal educational actions are proposed, on the basis of which the final grade is set. The content of diagnostic materials includes test tasks, cases, crossenses, a report on the work performed. They are presented in modular maps for practical work. The content of the module card is described, consisting of educational elements, including instructions for performing practical work, sources of educational material, questions and tasks, input and output control of knowledge and skills, and a form for preparing a report on the completed experimental work. The methodological possibilities of the educational elements of the module map are characterized, which allow organizing independent work of schoolchildren with the content of the module in accordance with individual abilities, improving their self-educational and organizational skills and performing a controlling function. The developed criteria for assessing test tasks of input control, criteria for evaluating the results of schoolchildren work with cases, crossenses, preparing a report on practical work and an assessment scale, on the basis of which the final grade is set, are considered. The results of approbation of diagnostic materials for practical work in chemistry in high school are presented, which make it possible to gradually prepare for the work, its implementation and the qualitative design of the results obtained.
Keywords: chemistry experiment, practical work in chemistry, universal learning actions, diagnostic materials, student assessment, final grade
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 7 — 15
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