DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-2-24-31
The situation of stimulating reading of Russian fiction in the schools of the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as the situation with its study by teachers in the country’s schools, where it is studied as a second language starting from grade 2, is analyzed. Literary reading remains the main means of the school subject «Russian language» and is an integral part of the study of the Russian language in the communicative and linguistic space of Tajikistan, despite the significant outflow of the Russian-speaking population. The overwhelming majority of the Tajik intelligentsia, including high-ranking statesmen, strive to maintain a common cultural, scientific, educational and information space with Russia. Therefore, today scientists direct their attention to the formation of the reading competence of students of secondary schools of the Republic of Tajikistan. Stimulation reading of works of fiction in Russian in schools in Tajikistan Discusses the possibilities of stimulating the reading activity of youth through fashion as a socio-cultural phenomenon under the influence of libraries. The possibilities of stimulating the reader’s activity of young people through fashion as a sociocultural phenomenon under the influence of libraries are considered. Such concepts as “self-stimulation of reading”, “reading mode” and “reader mode” are revealed from the point of view of the science of the reader. Attention is paid to fashionable communication among Tajik schoolchildren and the characteristics of the mechanisms of the current concept of “reading” are given information, imitation, suggestion / persuasion, the possibilities of their use to stimulate the reading activity of schoolchildren of Tajik schools are indicated. The study speaks about the level of difficulty in passing the pedagogical organization of reading Russian literature in secondary schools with the Tajik language of instruction.
Keywords: reading of work of fiction, stimulus, the Russian language, Tajik school, Russian school, reading mode
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 24 — 31
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