DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-2-40-47
The problem of professional development of a teacher is posed as a process of constant change of external requirements to the list and level of formation of professional competencies and the list of professional and personal qualities. As external challenges of this process, the focus on the development of self-managed learners and the implementation of the anthropological mission of modern education are highlighted. Different approaches to the professional development of a teacher are analyzed: the development of educational technologies, involvement in educational innovations, the development of research skills. It is emphasized that the development of innovative technologies requires special readiness of the teacher, the different level of which is manifested in different positions in relation to technology: indecisive, skeptics, innovators, researchers. It is proved that all teachers should be involved in innovation and their work should be aimed at this. It is proved that the formation of a teacher’s research culture is associated with the development of that area of his professional interests, which can become the subject of special study and real change at the level of educational practice. In conclusion, three directions of the development of pedagogical activity are highlighted: the development of professional mobility, open professionalism and dialogization of joint professional activity.
Keywords: pedagogical activity, professionalism, educational technologies, innovative activity, research skills
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 40 — 47
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