DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-2-65-72
Trends in the training of defectologists are considered, taking into account the historical aspect and analysis of the current state of the problem. The main directions that determine the trends in the formation of interdisciplinary competencies are determined, the reasons are indicated and the existing historical experience of training interdisciplinary specialists is analyzed. The reasons for the need to include interdisciplinary technologies and forms of interaction in the training of specialists are highlighted. Various types of professional activities of teacher-defectologists in the conditions of inclusive education presuppose the presence of professional and personal competencies, which dictates the need to expand the interdisciplinary approach by revising the methods of conducting lectures through the use of search, research activities of students, solving various professional tasks within the content of the curriculum based on the use of the principle of interdisciplinarity. Various forms of conducting lectures and practical classes are analyzed, organizational parameters are determined. The emphasis is made on the application of the methods of conducting lectures, using the search, research activities of students, which makes it possible to enrich literacy in related areas of defectological science. The authors indicated the need to introduce the content of professional disciplines for solving defectological problems through the establishment of interdisciplinary connections, using interactive test tasks of a different nature. An innovative form of control in the form of a practice-oriented exam has been determined, which allows to determine the readiness of a future specialist to solve professional problems.
Keywords: inclusive education, interdisciplinary competences, professional competencies, the principle of interdisciplinarity, social order, teacher defectologist
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 65 — 72
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