DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-2-73-82
The article deals a model of tutor support of a young and novice teacher in a vocational school. It outlines the model’s components such as target, organizational and preparatory, informative, effective and reflexive. The author describes the specifics of the purpose and practical orientation of the model development, namely, the need to use a personal-activity approach in the modeling process. The model is based on the “dispatcher model of tutor support of the professional career of young specialists”, which is modified taking into account the existing features of the GAPOU KuzTAGiS and involves the design of individual educational trajectories of professional development of young and novice teachers. The main function of a tutor is to coordinate actions at each step of the implementation of an individual educational trajectory of professional development. The main functions of a tutor in the system of secondary vocational education are diagnostic, informational, methodological, etc. The necessary measures that contribute to the preparation of young teachers for independent and effective teaching activities within the framework of the “Step to Success” and “Path to Mastery” programs are described. The article also contains specifics of conducting educational tutoring seminars (tutorials), involving the organization of group work of young and novice teachers of the technical school in the field of designing pedagogical activities, taking into account the activity approach; possible forms of dissemination of pedagogical experience of young and novice teachers.
Keywords: young specialist, tutor, tutor support model, dispatcher model of tutor support, professional development
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 73 — 82
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