DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-2-114-125
The authors presented the results of studying the specifics, state and prospects of tourism development for the implementation of the goals of self-improvement and familiarization with the riches of the civilizational heritage, analysis of the problems of organizing and implementing psychological and pedagogical support of tourist activities on the example of spiritual and esoteric tourism. The authors gave the characteristics of tourism as an innovative sphere of education, in which a person implements the tasks of self-improvement and familiarization with the civilizational heritage. The training of psychologists-teachers in the field of organization, implementation and psychological and pedagogical support of tourist activity acts not only as a channel for expanding their nonprofessional competencies and capabilities, providing another demanded and interesting profession, but also strengthens their own professional competencies. The authors concluded that in the process of training specialists of the «person-to-person» group, including teachers and psychologists, acquaintance with tourism activities, its competencies, serves as an important channel for the development of a future professional, rethinking narrow professional practices, technologies and models, their saturation, enrichment tourist technologies. An important role in this process has been played and is being played by competencies related to the comprehension of life and professional values, spiritual and moral aspects of life that structure the civilizational heritage of mankind. It is they and the educational opportunities of tourism that are the main focus of attention in the main, additional and ongoing (re) training of specialists.
Keywords: motives of tourism activities, self-improvement, civilizational heritage, educational tourism, spiritual and esoteric tourism, psychological and pedagogical support of tourism
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 114 — 125
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