DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-2-126-135
The article presents the characteristics of the modular training program for pedagogical university students for the early prevention of illegal behavior of students, developed on the example of the main professional educational program «History and Law» of the Altai State Pedagogical University, the purpose of which is to ensure the readiness of pedagogical university students to carry out early prevention of illegal behavior of students. On the basis of the studied research literature and survey data among students and teachers of the university, the problems arising in the process of preparing students of a pedagogical university for the early prevention of illegal behavior of students are highlighted. The methodological basis of the developed modular program is systemic, interdisciplinary, legal and humanitarian approaches. The significance of these approaches in the implementation of the modular program is analyzed. The characteristics of the structural components of the modular program – psychological, pedagogical, legal, methodological, practical modules are given. Their purpose, content and place in the system of training students of a pedagogical university for the early prevention of illegal behavior of students are disclosed. The importance of using educational technologies in the process of preparing students for the early prevention of illegal behavior of students is determined. The pedagogical conditions of the choice of educational technologies in the preparation of pedagogical university students for the early prevention of illegal behavior of students are revealed.
Keywords: educational technologies, early prevention, illegal behavior, professional training
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 126 — 135
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