DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-2-136-145
Self-esteem, being a component of the personality structure, influences the entire activity of the subject, both the process and its result. The educational process in a higher educational institution is no exception. Despite the difference in approaches to understanding its definition, structure, presented in the theoretical part of the article, scientists agree on one thing. Performing various functions – evaluative, control, stimulating, blocking and protective, etc., self-esteem mobilizes and reveals the intellectual and creative potential of a person. Consequently, a person with an adequately high self-esteem will be proactive and competitive in the labor market. They develop spontaneously, due to the study of information and interaction with the reference group. However, since self-esteem influences the activity, then it will also influence the activity of students, the result of which is the current performance of students of the Humanities Institute (GumI). In the process of mastering a profession, under the influence of learning to use mental operations, features characteristic of students begin to appear. They develop spontaneously, due to the study of information and interaction with the reference group. However, since self-esteem influences the activity, then it will also influence the activity of students, the result of which is the current performance of students of the Humanities Institute (GumI). An analysis of the results obtained using several methods showed that students of different courses and directions of the humanitarian institute have significantly excellent component expression of selfesteem, as well as the relationship of its parameters with current academic performance.
Keywords: self-assessment, academic performance, student, educational and professional activity, university graduate
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 136 — 145
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