DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-2-146-155
The current situation is characterized by changes in various spheres of human life, leading to a significant restructuring of his activities, condition. People react differently to changes. They plunge some into a state of stress, confusion about the future, while others are mobilized, put in front of the need for change. The different position and behavior of a person in a situation of change are largely determined by the resources that a person possesses. In this situation, the problem of studying the self-regulation of the individual, his active life position in the changing conditions of study, work and everyday life becomes relevant. The subject of discussion is increasingly the question of what can serve as psychological resources for a person in a situation of transitivity. This question is especially relevant in relation to students, their personal readiness for activity. Students of Tomsk universities took part in the presented study (N=263). It used regression and cluster analysis. The results of the study showed that emotional intelligence, motivation, values of preservation, values of openness, goal-setting and reflection should be considered as psychological resources of personal readiness for students’ activities. The results of the study have theoretical and practical significance. They actualize the issue of taking into account the competencies of future specialists who will have to work in new conditions. The results of the study indicate that the professional training of specialists should include not only the acquisition of fundamental knowledge and professional skills, but also the development of personality in the educational process.
Keywords: personal readiness for activity, psychological resources, students, motivation, value orientations, emotional intelligence, goal setting, reflection
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 146 — 155
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