DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-2-156-165
Aspects of the influence of indicators of emotional manifestations of child-parent relationships and types of parental influence in families raising older preschoolers are discussed. The types of parental relationship and the features of emotional manifestations of parents in building child-parent interaction are considered. The analysis of the interrelationships of the types of parental relationship with the indicators of the emotional component of the parent-child relationship, including cognitive and behavioral components, is given. The analysis of the results included: the study of parental attitude as a social component; features of cognitive and behavioral components of the emotional side of child-parent interaction; correlation analysis using the r-Spearman correlation coefficient to identify the relationship of indicators of parental attitude with indicators of the emotional side of child-parent interaction. We concluded that socially approved manifestations of parenthood increase states of excitement and anxiety for children, lead to excessive control and symbiotic relationships. A set of characteristics describing the emotional manifestations of parents, contributing to the transformation of symbiotic relationships and authoritarian control of older preschool children into harmonious partnerships that contribute to the formation of an independent personality, is identified and considered. It is shown that an optimal level of parental empathy in relationships with older preschool children favorable for their psychic development exists.
Keywords: child-parent relationship, emotional manifestations of parents, components of parental attitude, senior preschool age
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 156 — 165
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