DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-2-166-178
The absence of special conditions that facilitate the development and realization of a person with deep vision pathology leads to an increase in the likelihood of the formation of negative attitudes towards oneself. Negative self-attitude is reflected in the ability to engage in joint activities, affecting primarily leadership potential. As a result, cognition of oneself and activity in interpersonal interaction decrease. Most of the work is aimed at tracking the impact of visual impairment on mental development and the study of compensation processes. The aim of our research is to study the characteristics of self-attitude and leadership potential that affect involvement in joint activities, which is considered the driving force of mental development. The article presents the data of an experimental study of the characteristics of self-attitude and leadership potential in persons with visual impairments and their influence on the development of cooperation within the framework of joint activities. The results obtained by the methods «Self-relation» by V. V. Stolin, S. R. Panteleeva, “Ability for Leadership” by R. S. Nemova and “Arka” A. S. Chernyshev, S. V. Sarycheva, modified version. Differences in self-attitude and leadership ability in totally blind versus healthy are considered. The influence of the revealed features on the development of cooperation in joint activities is analyzed, conclusions are formulated. The relationship between the characteristics of self-attitude and leadership potential allows you to create optimal conditions for the development of the personality of people with visual impairments.
Keywords: blind, pathology of vision, self-attitude, leadership potential, leadership, joint activity
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 166 — 178
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