DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-2-179-187
The problem of correctional work with children with autism spectrum disorders through the development of interhemispheric interaction is considered. The results of studies by Russian and foreign authors on morphological differences of the corpus callosum of the brain in people with autism spectrum disorders, in which a specific neural marker was identified, giving new directions of correctional work. Considering that the corpus callosum provides interhemispheric interaction, the authors suggested that neurogymnastics should be added to the learning process of children with autism spectrum disorders. An experiment was conducted to prove its effectiveness. Fragments of neuropsychological diagnostics of preschool children according to J. M. Glozman were used to assess the level of development of interhemispheric interaction. A number of adapted samples were used, the quantitative assessment of which was compared with the indicated levels. The results of the ascertaining, forming and control stages of the experiment are described. Additional techniques, namely neurogymnastics, were used as an experimental factor. It is included in classes with children of the experimental group, first as a replacement for the traditional warm-up, and then in the structure of the classes themselves. The results of a comparative analysis of the dynamics of the development of interhemispheric interaction at the beginning and end of the experiment allowed us to conclude that short daily classes in neurogymnastics can accelerate the development of interhemispheric interaction in children with autism spectrum disorder. Neurogymnastics classes can bring the level of development of interhemispheric interaction in children with autism spectrum disorders closer to the level of normally developing children.
Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, interhemispheric connections, correctional work with children with autism, development of interhemispheric interaction, neurogymnastics
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 179 — 187
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