DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-3-8-18
The article considers the issue of studying the ideas of modern adolescents about traditional values in the context of the transformation of political, economic and social processes. The representative sample covers 6,900 adolescents aged 14-17 in seven constituent entities of the Russian Federation: the Chechen Republic, the Lipetsk Region, the Stavropol Territory, the Krasnodar Territory, the Volgograd Region, the Belgorod Region, and the Rostov Region. Research method - questioning at the place of residence, sample structure: multi-stage, representative, quota signs: age, type of settlement. The survey was conducted using Google forms, implemented using digital computer technology. The survey was based on the developed questionnaire “Traditional Values of the Modern Younger Generation”, which includes 52 questions and takes into account the main trends in axiological regional transformations. The socio-pedagogical analysis showed that the dominant values of the respondents when choosing three answers include “a family with good relations”, “health”, “one’s own life”, “quality education”, “freedom”. The least preference is given to the following values: “peace (as a state)”, “labor”, “Motherland”. The results are structured by respondents (students of various educational institutions), by methods (results of a questionnaire survey on questions with rating scales, on open questions, etc.), by problems, etc. The necessary empirical material for the subsequent theoretical interpretation has been obtained. Conclusions are drawn about the value transformation in the orientations of the younger generation in the second decade of the 21st century, the complex and contradictory nature of their course.
Keywords: modern teenagers, traditional values, socio-pedagogical analysis of preferences
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 8 — 18
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