DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-3-19-25
The article discusses the features of the implementation of the concept of emotional education. One of its significant characteristics is the change in the content of education. This change implies a qualitative balance of natural-scientific and artistic-aesthetic education. In modern schools, the balance is broken, natural science disciplines prevail. The potential of the subjects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle is extremely underestimated by the world education system and reduced to the level of formation of primary skills, which initially deprives the school of systemic resources for creative development. In the concept of emotional education, a block of subjects of the creative cycle was developed and implemented according to the author’s programs of A. Saybedinov, conditions were created for the effective influence of creativity on the learning and upbringing process as a whole. The results of the school’s work show the effectiveness of their implementation, both in terms of achieving educational results, intellectual and creative development, and social and educational effects. The system of emotional education in the Governor’s Svetlensky Lyceum is shown, which includes the subjects: “Fine Arts” (grades 1-7), “Practical Philosophy”, “Art History” (grades 8-11), “Fundamentals of Design” (grades 5-11). The necessity of a system of ungraded teaching of educational results of children within the framework of these disciplines is emphasized. The results of external monitoring of the work of the school show the effectiveness of their implementation, both in terms of achieving educational results, intellectual and creative development, and social and educational effects.
Keywords: artistic and aesthetic education, creativity, creative development, fine arts, general education, emotional education
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 19 — 25
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