DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-3-26-33
The reasons for the enthusiasm of teenagers and young people for entertainment show products and the rejection by many of them of samples of serious classical music, which forms a true musical taste, are analyzed. The definition of musical taste is substantiated as the ability to listen, hear and enjoy artistically valuable music, taste as one of the elements of the triune task of studying music at school - the formation of interest in life through passion for music, creative artistic and figurative thinking, taste. It is recommended to listen to not only classical music with schoolchildren, but the best examples of pop music, to discuss dignities and defects of them, that permit to improve the taste and avoid confrontation between the teacher and children, also classical music and music of modern genre and direction. Quantitative and qualitative results of studying the musical needs of adolescents by students as one of the indicators of the level of formation of musical tastes are given. The interpretation of the results confirmed the dependence of the level of formation of musical taste on systematic music lessons, the repertoire on which the musical taste of children is brought up, on the level of professionalism of the teacher-musician.
Keywords: music, taste, formation, art, adolescents, composer, genre, classic, entertainment, necessities
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 26 — 33
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