DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-3-50-59
This article presents a study on the preparation of teachers of technical university to implement the developed by the author information and methodological support of the disciplines provided by the curricula of a technical university. Improving the quality of the learning process in the University directly depends on the qualifications and quality of its teaching staff. A teacher needs to focus on the future professional activities of the students he or she teaches. Competent use of specially developed information and methodological support in the educational process will help to prepare specialists in demand in the labor market. Namely, in the aspect of the conducted research, the search for effective methods of information and methodological support implementation in the context of higher education teacher training was carried out. The content and structure of the information and methodological support for the formation of future engineers’ readiness for communicative and managerial activity is presented in the works of scientific and educational journals already published by the author. The purpose of the presented article is to summarize the results of the experimental work on teachers’ training for the implementation of the information and methodological support developed by the author. Scientific research was conducted using the methods and ideas of academician G. V. Mukha-metzyanova, in the works of which several ideas of implementation of information and methodological support were noted: radical way (the whole system is completely renewed); evolutionary way (innovations are introduced gradually). The authors of this article in their scientific work adhered to the idea of implementing information and methodological support carried out by the evolutionary way. In the final part of the experimental-experimental work the directions of activity and the route of preparation of pedagogical workers of the higher school for realization of the developed information-methodical support of formation of future engineers’ readiness for communicative-managerial activity were defined.
Keywords: methodological support, educational activities, communicative activity, managerial activity, teacher training, specialist engineer
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 50 — 59
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