DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-3-60-67
This article discusses the system of socio-humanitarian self-management technologies aimed at forming a subjective position among the students of higher educational institutions in the implementation of educational activities and their readiness for self-development in building a learning trajectory. The purpose is to substantiate the use of socio-humanitarian technologies to improve the efficiency of students’ independent work in the open educational space of the university. The work used theoretical research methods, such as the study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources, and empirical, such as the study of results of activity, materials of reflection, content analysis. Based on the study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on research issues, the concept of socio-humanitarian technologies has been clarified: it is a set of rationally built methods, procedures and algorithms for influencing individuals, social groups and processes with the following features: orientation towards the diversified development of the student’s personality; impact on both the individual and society; lack of a single impact in the presence of an algorithm; resource intensity, flexibility of procedures; social relations and processes aimed to obtaining humanitarian results; subject-subject orientation of relations. Several problems have been identified that have a negative impact on the successful implementation of students’ independent work in the open educational space of the university. For this purpose, a number of technologies have been identified that act as a resource for the development of students’ self-management and include support, time management, self-tutoring and the construction of an individual educational trajectory. Each technology is a separate module of the system, which together allows to qualitatively improve the skills of independent work in the learning process. The use of a system of socio-humanitarian technologies can significantly increase the level of efficiency of students’ independent work and positively affects their motivation for practice oriented activities, which was demonstrated by a study conducted with bachelor students who are studying in the training direction of the “Organization of Work with Young People” of the educational program “Socio-humanitarian technologies for supporting youth initiatives” of the National Research Tomsk State University.
Keywords: self-management of students, socio-humanitarian technologies, hard skills, soft skills
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 60 — 67
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