DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-3-90-100
Educational inclusion is considered as a context and ontological basis for self-determination of a teacher’s personality. The relevance of assessing the self-determination of the teacher’s personality is associated with the recognition of the personal «factor» as the driving force of inclusion. Selfdetermination of the teacher’s personality is considered on the basis of the subject-activity approach through the category of «attitude». The subjective aspect of self-determination is the relationship of the individual to himself as a subject of inclusion. The objective aspect of self-determination includes the relationship of the individual to the conditions and processes of inclusion in relation to a group of people with disabilities and people with disabilities. The dialectical nature of the connection between the subjective and objective aspects of self-determination necessitates the choice of a relevant approach and assessment tools. This approach is a subject-object approach: the assessment is carried out according to formalized indicators, but included in the inclusive processes by the subject (teacher). The subject of this study is the objective aspect of the teacher’s self-determination in an inclusive educational space. The study is aimed at identifying, analyzing and interpreting the current status of teachers’ attitudes towards the conditions and processes of inclusion in education. The presented results of the study allow us to state an unexpressed positive trend in the dynamics of teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion. In this regard, the prospects for inclusive education are associated with the “strengthening” of the identified positive trend, including in the process of professional training (and retraining) of teachers.
Keywords: educational inclusion, teacher’s self-determination, subjective aspect of selfdetermination, objective aspect of self-determination, teacher’s attitude to inclusion
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 90 — 100
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