DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-3-101-112
The term “mediation” has been introduced into the methodological literature on teaching foreign languages in 2001. But despite this, teachers need to improve qualifications in the understanding of this term, as in the native methodology there is a problem of lack of research in the field of mediation, especially in the field of learning a foreign language. Modern society attaches great importance to communicative connections and relationships. Society needs a person who has flexible thinking, the ability to express his thoughts correctly and easily interact with others. Forming these skills at the same time promotes to grow an all-round personality who will be able to be a mediator in communication with another culture. The purpose of the research will be to analyze the results of the teacher’s questionnaires for their ideas about the need to form mediation and intercultural skills, determine the level of their formation and assessment. Test were developed and implemented to determine the initial level and final results of intercultural and mediation skills for students. They were based on the proposed recommendations for the lessons. According to the results of testing, it can be noted that during the initial testing, students have a low level of mediation and intercultural skills formation. But with using recommendations in the lesson, the level improves. The results of the research and author’s developments show the importance of the mediation and intercultural competencies formation and may be interesting to English teachers working in the secondary school.
Keywords: mediation, mediation skills, intercultural skills, questionnaire, secondary school students, foreign language teachers
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 101 — 112
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