DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-3-123-132
The issue of creating a personalized approach to the training of future geography teachers is considered in the article. A comparative description of the concept of «education personalization» in the context of pedagogy, psychology, and sociology is given. The normative legal documents, which define the special status of a teacher in society and professional requirements for his personality, have been studied. It is concluded that the personalization of education allows, on the one hand, to develop the individual characteristics of students, on the other hand, to include in the process of socialization. When preparing students for the future profession of a geography teacher, it is necessary to organize a personalized approach, which is expressed in close interaction between the teacher and the student and providing conditions for self-education of both parties. The purpose of the article is to describe a model of a personalized educational environment and experience in implementing a personalized approach in the training of geography teachers. The main results of the personalized approach are four workshops developed by the authors of the article in offline format for young geography teachers of Tomsk. Important teaching tools of personalized education are the websites of teachers on the topic «Formation of a teacher’s personal educational environment» and the website of the training focuses «Professionally about the methodology of teaching geography». This model includes personal means of communication, means of teaching and self-education, the use of digital educational platforms and professional websites, improving the professional skills of teachers and students. The results are expressed in the justification of the need to introduce this model into the educational practice of pedagogical universities.
Keywords: personalization, personalized approach, professional skills, model of personalized educational environment
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 123 — 132
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