DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-3-133-141
This article analyzes the genesis and progressive development of the phenomenon of pedagogical classes in the Russian state as one of the possible ways to train teachers. It is noted that the status position of pedagogical classes has always directly depended on the historical and political stages of the state structure of the country, on socio-ideological, financial, economic and regional conditions. It turns out that the gender and professional purpose of graduates of the additional eighth pedagogical classes of the pre-revolutionary women`s gymnasium, depends on the status of the family. Alternative options and forms of teacher training without university education in the Soviet period 1920–1970 are shown. In conditions of shortage of qualified specialists with university education, the country was forced to proclaim the goal of accelerated training of teachers of intermediate qualifications instead of workers who do not have any pedagogical training at all. The purpose of the activity of two-year pedagogical classes of the 1990-2000 model is emphasized as the preparation of elite applicants for pedagogical universities. It is noted as historical regularity: the activity of pedagogical classes at each socio-political stage is determined by the public demands of the chronological period under consideration. Various forms of career guidance with senior grade students and their effective influence of the late twenties century are revealed.
Keywords: Gymnasium, pedagogical classes, secondary school, system of education, teacher staff, curricula, types of pedagogical practices
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 133 — 141
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