DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-3-152-167
The previously unexplored problem of structuring the subject field of a new branch of psychological knowledge – security psychology is considered. The purpose of the study was to study current trends and prospects for structuring the subject field of security psychology. As a result of the theoretical study of the problem, it is established that the subject space of security psychology is heterogeneous and can be structured according to a set of grounds: psychological phenomena related to human security; conditions, environments and situations requiring security; by types of activities of security subjects; by varieties or types of human security; by connection with other disciplines; by tasks of research conducted in security psychology. Each basis used for structuring security psychology allows us to identify several subject areas of research in it. According to psychological phenomena related to human security, the psychology of personal security, the psychology of ideas about security, and the psychology of safe behavior are distinguished. Orientation to the conditions, environments and situations requiring security contributes to the designation of the subject areas of extreme security psychology, security psychology of educational environments, family security psychology, security psychology of new digital environments and the virtual space of Internet networks. According to the types of activities of security subjects, the psychology of occupational safety, the psychology of safety of sports activities, the psychology of safety of tourism activities can be defined. Depending on the variety or type of security, they study information and psychological security, psychology of corporate security, psychological security of a person, psychology of linguistic and psycholinguistic security. In connection with other disciplines, questions of social psychology of security, extreme psychology of security, legal psychology of security, age psychology of security, political psychology of security, history of security psychology can be considered. According to the tasks of research conducted in security psychology, its fundamental and applied sections can be characterized. It is established that each subject area of security psychology has its own vector of studying a certain psychological aspect of human security and is characterized by a specific subject of research that allows to specify its purpose and objectives. The subject areas of security psychology are characterized by different levels of development. There is a high probability of registration of new areas of security psychology. For the first time, a holistic reflection of the features of the organization of the subject field of security psychology makes it possible to see the strengths and weaknesses of the formation of the discipline, creating prerequisites for stimulating the process of its development. The material presented in the article may also be useful for the development of a new training course “Security Psychology”.
Keywords: security, security psychology, subject field, subject area, structure
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 152 — 167
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