DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-4-25-36
The article discusses the topic of advanced training programs for heads of educational institutions in Russia, Great Britain, Australia, Sweden, the Netherlands and other countries in the context of requirements set by professional standards. It has been revealed that the functional composition of these requirements in different countries largely coincides, but Russian institutions do not yet offer a full range of topics of programs for the professional development of managers, aimed at the formation of a full functional manager, reflected in professional standards. In comparison with many foreign countries in the Russian Federation higher requirements to the education of the head of the school, which in our country should have higher education in the pedagogical and administrative sphere, and requires at least five years’ experience in teaching and/or management positions in educational institutions. The analysis of requirements to the director of the school from the point of view of the work functions of the professional standard of the school leader was conducted. Especially the «not covered» from the point of view of the topic of the proposed training programs are the areas related to functions, skills, knowledge in the field of designing the development of the organization, identification of factors and risks of development, motivation of the team, defining the tasks and prospects of personal and professional development of the manager and some others.
Keywords: school principal, school leader, professional development of heads of educational organizations, professional standard of the head of educational organization, functions of the school leader, content of programs for professional development of school leaders, comparative research
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Issue: 4, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 25 — 36
Downloads: 794