DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-4-37-47
The article presents the analysis of sociological, philosophical, cultural and psychological studies of the problem of transforming value orientations among Russian youth, which today is an indicator of social and economic developments in our country over the past 10–20 years. The conclusion was made about the influence of numerous factors on the formation of value orientations and their transformation among Russian youth in the situation of uncertainty of social phenomena in the worldview, their influence on the formation of personality. The article focused on the influence of the socio-cultural factor, since relations between people in society were regulated and changed under the influence of, first of all, cultural values that were characteristic of a given ethnic group. The phenomenon of cultural globalization had also been analysed; based on the analysis of scientific points of view, it is noted that on the one hand it contributed to the strengthening of relations between peoples and their cultures, and on the other hand, the crowding out of high culture and the formation of the dominance of mass culture, leads to the destruction of cultural diversity and traditional value guidelines. An ambiguous assessment of globalization processes for the current system of values in society is given; globalization and the associated virtualization of public life could pose a great danger to society. In that connection, an analysis had been made of studies revealing the rationalization of relations in the modern world; the problem of crowding out the spiritual and moral component in a rationally built relationship; The idea of focusing attention in the younger generation on the formation of responsibility for their actions was expressed; problem of finding ways of optimal preservation of traditions and creation of conditions for introduction of innovations in sociocultural environment is outlined.
Keywords: value orientations, values, youth, transformation, factor, tradition, culture, cultural systems, inter-cultural interaction, socialization, globalization
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Issue: 4, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 37 — 47
Downloads: 658