DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-4-81-90
The article highlights the issues of the development of the quality of higher education under modern conditions through the provision of the network interaction of the universities. This article clarifies the concepts of “quality of education”, “network (joint) educational programs”, “academic mobility”, reveals the essence of the content of network interaction. The main contexts that determine the actualization of the network interaction of universities in Russia and abroad are identified. The practice of implementing the network interaction of Tomsk State University aimed at the ensuring of the academic mobility of students is described. The analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature on the development of the quality of education is presented. The article presents that in order to achieve the quality of higher education under modern conditions, it is necessary to substantiate the potential of university networking and to ensure its conceptual apparatus. Through the combination of the benchmarking survey, analysis of the university regulation documents and a set of the interviews with the Russian and international students – participants of the academic mobility programs, a deeper understanding of the importance of the universities’ networking interaction is developed. This study proves the necessity for the universities to consider the use of a universities; networking interaction for the development of the quality of education.
Keywords: quality of education, networking, joint (network) educational programs, academic mobility
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Issue: 4, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 81 — 90
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