DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-4-115-125
This article reveals the understanding of the phenomenon of family identity from a pedagogical position. Family identity is considered as a person’s belonging to a family group, reflecting his commitment to family values. The importance of organizing conditions conducive to the development of the family identity of university students is substantiated. Pedagogical conditions for the development of family identity include: 1) the appeal in the educational process to the positive experience of family education and the preservation of family and family memory through the study of family history and traditions, popularization of the best experience in raising children in various families, including through the creation of a bank of artistic and documentary films promoting family values; 2) introduction of courses aimed at studying the essential characteristics of family education in the educational programs of the university; 3) organization of research work through the preparation of scientific reports; 4) creation of an electronic educational resource that provides information and methodological support for students in the field of family pedagogy (lectures, presentations, creative assignments, scientific articles, cognitive tests, surveys and methods, a bank of artistic and documentary materials recommended for study). The elements of experimental work on the implementation of the model for the formation of the family identity of future teachers are described, including the introduction of the courses “Family Pedagogy” and “Interaction between the family and the educational organization” into the educational process.
Keywords: family, family identity, family values, student youth, family pedagogy
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Issue: 4, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 115 — 125
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