DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-4-126-134
In modern society, the ways of obtaining education are changing, with an emphasis on strengthening the role of Internet networks as a source of information. Current methods of storing and transmitting information are actively used by teachers and students – educational publications can easily be found in electronic library systems and on the web, and universal Internet access via phone and computer makes it possible to quickly get the necessary information. However, to extract information from the network does not mean to acquire full-fledged knowledge. There is a need for structuring the subject environment and managing students’ access to information on the discipline being studied – this can be implemented, for example, in the modular objective-oriented dynamic learning environment “OpenSystem”. Management of distance learning is also expanding thanks to “cloud technologies” of information storage, and personalization and monitoring of academic performance is implemented using personal virtual offices of students and teachers. In this paper, we will focus on the use of the “OpenSystem” learning environment in the distant study of the discipline “Physics of the Atomic Nucleus” by undergraduate students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Pedagogical University. In the last two years, the issues of distance learning are becoming particularly relevant. The “OpenSystem” environment has an undoubted advantage when studying the subject before giving lectures online and other ways of transmitting the material.
Keywords: distant learning, network educational services, training of future physics teachers, teaching nuclear physics, elementary particles
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Issue: 4, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 126 — 134
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