DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-4-144-151
The phenomenon of the “mask of normality” of mass murderers and the key elements of the destructive Columbine youth movement are investigated. The popularity of the destructive Columbine subculture among young people, its cross-border nature, the dynamics of the number of fans growth in the Russian segment of the Internet, morу frequent attempts to implement mass killings in Russian educational institutions determine the relevance of the study. Examples of studies of Columbine, psychopathies, and school shooting are given. The characteristic of the socio-psychological profile of the school shooter’s “mask of normality” is given. The “mask of normality” of a mass murderer manifests itself in a state of mental stability that occurs after a momentary release of unconscious energy. It is described that various forms of psychopathies may have blurred boundaries and possess the qualities of a “normal character”. These forms are also more common in a mixed form and may develop into a deep pathology. The diversity and instability of psychopathies makes it difficult to diagnose and assess the clinical picture and to determine a single diagnosis for the perpetrators of mass murder. Developing a standard of diagnostic tools and a legal framework for the early diagnosis of psychopathic individuals with a “mask of normality” who can potentially join the destructive subculture of Columbine remains an urgent task.
Keywords: “mask of normality”, mass murders, columbine, psychopath, murderer, school shooting, the structure of the psyche, the unconscious
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Issue: 4, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 144 — 151
Downloads: 782