DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-4-7-15
The article considers the resource of the concept of emotional education in the process of education and personality formation. The problems that hinder the effective implementation of education issues in the system of mass education are highlighted, the importance of the built-in system of educational and upbringing activities as a single and inseparable process is emphasized. The principles on which the upbringing system is built, developed in the concept of emotional education, are presented: the fusion of teaching and upbringing through the integration of classroom and extracurricular activities; new content of education, which is based on a qualitative balance of natural science and art and aesthetic education; a multi-level model for building the educational process as an effective model for integrating general and additional education, creating space for the manifestation and development of individual abilities of students. In the process of creating an effective system of education, the position of the teacher is also noted; a variety of forms, methods, means of educational work based on self-government; the formation of the way of the school, based on the formation of tradition and symbolism. The proposed system of education and upbringing has confirmed its high efficiency in the conditions of many years of teaching practice.
Keywords: the concept of emotional education, the system of education, the new content of education, a multi-level education system
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Issue: 4, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 7 — 15
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