DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-5-9-19
The application of predictive systems in education based on the use of big data technologies through the management of the digital footprint of students is discussed. The main attention is paid to the accepted managerial decisions. Issues of a technical plan, methodological nature, and legal regulation are not considered in the paper. The current trends in the formation of a digital footprint of students are described, the risks and challenges of introducing digital technologies into the educational sphere are formulated. Two approaches to optimizing the collected data are described: the gamification of education with the creation of a data collection environment and the use of specialized approaches in data processing. With regard to the second approach, the important role of a priori algorithms and expert assessments used in the process of processing the digital footprint has been revealed. A parallel is drawn with the use of big data in science, the importance of repeatedly accessing data and the use of proven methods for extracting information from unstructured data lakes is shown. It is shown that in the educational sphere, digitalization processes are expressed in the strengthening of the role of external stakeholders not related to the state. These trends come into conflict with state interests which lead to the active intervention of the authorities in the educational process. According to the authors, there is a prospect of forced formation of a digital footprint. In order to solve the emerging difficulties associated with the conflict between social and technical, it is proposed to focus on the development of a digital culture and the widespread introduction of the ethics of handling big data.
Keywords: digital footprint, big data, education, digitalization, models
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 9 — 19
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