DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-5-20-29
The article actualizes the problem of ongoing changes in the value orientations of young people in the modern information society, which sets the task of studying this process. The text defines the understanding of the essence of the category “value”, reveals philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical approaches to its definition. Special attention is paid to the description of traditional values, which acquire special significance in a situation of impermanence, uncertainty characteristic of modern society and the entire world space, since it is traditional culture that largely supports stability and order as the basis for the functioning of any society. The article provides a typology of traditional values and reveals approaches to their content. The article describes the innovative social values that have emerged in connection with the processes of digitalization taking place in society, which include information, knowledge, intellectual capital, virtual reality. The features of interference (interaction) of traditional and innovative values are revealed. The possibilities of using Internet technologies in order to establish a dialogical interaction of values are analyzed, at the same time attention is drawn to the need for real communication of subjects of life activity aimed at understanding the ongoing transformational processes in the field of value orientations. The task of the need to find a mechanism for the dialogical coexistence of two value systems, an adequate choice of the appropriation of innovative values by a person, taking into account the preservation of relevant traditions and spirituality, is posed. The solution of this problem is connected, on the one hand, with the comprehension of traditional values, and, on the other hand, the development of critical thinking in the younger generation, which provides the ability to analyze incoming value-relevant information, realize, give it an adequate assessment, make informed decisions, on the basis of which to form a morally justified attitude to certain values, relevant to modern society and meeting the principles of universal morality and on their basis to build their behavior.
Keywords: values, traditions, traditional values, innovative values, information society, information, virtual space, interference of values, the younger generation
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 20 — 29
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